The Heart of Your Value Proposition
The Heart of Your Value Proposition
In its most basic sense, a unique value proposition is defined as, “a clear statement that describes the benefit of your offer and what distinguishes you from the competition.” It’s a positioning statement that explains what benefit you provide for who and how you do it uniquely well.

In some circles, “unique value proposition” is so overused, it is incapable of rousing a meaningful response. Nonetheless, its importance should not be diminished, even if the phrase itself has gone the way of phrases like “culture fit,” “disruptive innovation,” and “low-hanging fruit.”

When asked to articulate your unique value as an employee, if you spout off words like, “reliable, good communicator, hard worker,” you have missed the mark. Instead, focus on how you can rebrand its meaning. Here’s what we mean.

1. Don’t limit its definition.
While it shouldn’t be limiting, a unique value proposition should clarify specific areas of your marketability that resonate with the target audience, making yourself invaluable.

2. Lines are drawn in the sand.
Similar to the way the tide erases some lines in the sand and leaves others, a unique value proposition can cross industries.

3. Focus on your how.
Market your ‘why,’ not just your ‘how’ to set your value apart.

4. Tighten your narrative.
Communicate crisply and swiftly. Focus on the big picture–your overarching impact–and then drill down, underscoring with measurable outcomes.

5. Let emotion seep in.
Humanize the heart of your story with emotional appeal because people in companies connect with other people.

Crafting the story around your unique value proposition allows you time and space to relearn all that you bring to the table and turn it into a new kind of elevator pitch. Leverage the Fall months to reassess and reenergize your story.